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Torn Canvas Film Work Placement

I did SFX makeup for a film shoot with South Devon College universty students. This flim was based on a girl tramatised by her boyfriend death. This meant that the makeup needed was a major stomach wound on one person with the other minor cuts & bruises surronding the main wound and two forehead word carvings (killer and coward). I took control of the word carvings planning (there were to of us doing the makeup for the film and we both apllied the end postectics) my plan for this makeup after having my brief was to do it as if the words were carved into the girls head as opposed to just having the words just written in red lipstick or lip liner. in preperation before we were on set i made up an example prosetic using a latex base to build upon, then I laid small amounts of scar wax onto the latex base then using my finger covers in petroleum jelly I started rubbing the wax onto the dried latex base so that it ended up as a smooth layer of wax thick enough to carve into, using a metal tool I carved in the word COWARD after each letter I went back and jaggered it up so that it had the appearance of skin that had been carved into with a dull knife. Finally to finish the piece I applied a coat of latex over the top of the wax to join with the base layer of latex. The point of having the latex over the wax was to prevent any cracking from the wax as wax isn't the most secure SFX makeup product due to the fact it doesn't stick to anything on its own however it is the easiest product to carve into. Once that was on I painted the prostectic by first applying a matching foundation colour to my models skin then I painted the inside of the letters a deep red colour, after I took some of the same red colour on a stipple sponge and with a light hand I tapped it over the letters to give the look of irritation (I tested the colour on the back of my hand before I put it on my models face). To finish off the look I added small amount of blood to the letters to make it look fresher. On the second day I assisted with the stomach wound application which the other makeup artist planned and made and I did facial grazes & cuts along the right side of the models face to match the stomach wound which is on the right side. This experience was incredible as it was a real insight into what working on set is like with early starts and quick makeup changes. This wasn't my speciality with the makeup needed however I would love to do something like this again.

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